A few graduates pose for a photo opp.
Quality Enhancement Plan
upcoming QEP TOPIC will be:
“Academic Advising: Integrating Technology for Higher Student Success”
What is The Current Quality Enhancement Plan?
In general terms, the dual purpose of a QEP assessment plan is:
- To determine the success of the QEP-program level assessment and
- To establish specific benchmarks or student learning outcomes to be met by students in the program-student –level assessment.
The goal/purpose of the Oakwood University QEP is to equip students with critical thinking skills that will enhance their educational experience.
What is the current QEP:
The QEP will focus on improving critical thinking through writing.
In order to document gains in critical thinking through writing, assessment will focus on two (2) main areas:
- value-added assessment measures to document improvement in student learning outcomes over time and
- the success of the initiatives through which the institution plans to achieve those outcomes
Success in these two areas means success for the QEP.
For Further information please refer to:
The Quality Enhancement Plan Book
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate the ability to apply critical thinking skills through the writing process in the ability to:
- Develop well-supported inquiry statements that demonstrate clear purpose
- Evaluate the quality and credibility of information
- Make connections and informed conclusions
- Students will demonstrate the ability to apply critical thinking skills to written information as they:
- Identify well-supported inquiry statements that demonstrate clear purpose in written information
- Evaluate the quality and credibility of information in written information
- Identify connections and informed conclusions in written information
- Students will demonstrate the ability to apply critical thinking skills to their Christian beliefs, faith system and personal goals as they:
- Develop well-supported inquiry statements that demonstrate clear purpose
- Evaluate the quality and credibility of information
- Make connections and informed conclusion
Assessment Rubics

4=Thinking is exemplary, skilled, marked by excellence in clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logicality and fairness
3=Thinking is competent, effective, accurate and clear, but lacks the exemplary depth, precision and insight of a “4”
2=Thinking is inconsistent, ineffective; shows a lack of consistent competence: is often unclear, imprecise, inaccurate and superficial
1=Thinking is unskilled and insufficient, marked by imprecision, lack of clarity, superficiality, illogicality, inaccuracy and unfairness
Adapted from Foundation for Critical Thinking, www.criticalthinking.org and The Delphi Report (1990) In California Critical Thinking Skills Test Manual. Milbrae, CA: Insight Assessments. www.insightassessment.com
4=Thinking is exemplary, skilled, marked by excellence in clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logicality, significance and fairness
3=Thinking is competent, effective, accurate and clear, but lacks the exemplary depth, precision and insight of a “4”
2=Thinking is inconsistent, ineffective; shows a lack of consistent competence: is often unclear, imprecise, inaccurate and superficial
1=Thinking is unskilled and insufficient, marked by imprecision, lack of clarity, superficiality, illogicality, inaccuracy and unfairness
Adapted from Foundation for Critical Thinking, www.criticalthinking.org and The Delphi Report (1990) in the California Critical Thinking Skills Test Manual. Milbrae, CA: Insight Assessments. www.insightassessment.com
Research and Employee Services Division
Dr. Prudence L. Pollard, VP
Quality Enhancement Plan Subcommittees
Committee & Charge | Members | University Position |
Assessment Charge:
Monitor QEP data collection processes. Review and analyze data for interpretation, application and recommend intervention in monitoring student learning outcomes. |
*Lisa James, Chair
Olivia Beverly Havovi Patel Janis Newborn (Staff) Pauline Sawyers Arlene Wimbley (Staff) Deril Wood Pamelea Cook (Ex-Officio) Onesimus Otieno (Ex-Officio) Ifeoma Kwesi (Ex-Officio) |
Chair, Math Department
QEP Director Director, Fr Studies/Retention Institutional Effectiveness Faculty, Psychology Institutional Effectiveness Faculty, Education Chair, Curriculum & Instruction Chair, Research Chair, Professional Development |
Curriculum & Instruction Charge:
Support the implementation of Critical Thinking into the Oakwood University curriculum that includes collaboratively reviewing syllabi of QEP courses for embedded critical thinking learning experiences related to student learning outcomes and provide critical thinking instructional resource information. |
*Pamelea Cook, Chair
Olivia Beverly Havovi Patel Heather James (Staff) Verneice Wright (Staff) TBD Elizabeth Wright (Staff) Lisa James ( Ex-Officio) Onesimus Otieno (Ex-Officio) Ifeoma Kwesi (Ex-Officio) Renissa Arnold (Student) Quincy Monroe (Student) |
Faculty, Psychology
QEP Director Director, Fr Studies/Retention Library Career Planning Coordinator Advancement and Development CAS/Writing Specialist Chair, Assessment Chair, Research Chair, Professional Development |
Professional Development Charge:
Provide information sessions and forums for University faculty and staff regarding critical thinking skills, concepts and applications related to student learning outcomes, in coordination with the Department of Faculty Development, Research and Grants. |
*Ifeoma Kwesi, Chair
Olivia Beverly Gilbert Ojwang William Mitchell (Staff) Dana Wilchcombe Joshua Williams Pamelea Cook (Ex-Officio) Onesimus Otieno (Ex-Officio) Lisa James ( Ex-Officio) Caryn Lai Hing (Student) Jacques Laguerre (Student) |
Faculty, Religion
QEP Director Faculty, Religion Manager, D2L Faculty, Education Advancement & Development Chair, Curriculum & Instruction Chair, Research Chair, Assessment |
Research Charge:
In coordination with the Office of Research, support faculty in scholarly contributions to the critical thinking knowledge base in their respective disciplines: Provide information sessions and forums for University faculty regarding use of QEP data for evaluation and research; Review proposals for research using QEP data; Coordinate support for faculty research with research consultant. |
*Onesimus Otieno , Chair
Olivia Beverly Cherryl Galley Paulette Johnson Kenneth LaiHing Octavio Ramirez Alexandrine Randriamahefa Janice Watson Lucy Cort (Staff) Pamelea Cook (Ex-Officio) Lisa James ( Ex-Officio) Ifeoma Kwesi (Ex-Officio) Ruth Munene (Student) |
Faculty, Biology
QEP Director Faculty, Sch. of Arts & Sci. Dean Library Faculty, Chemistry Faculty, Social Work Faculty, Biology Faculty, Communications Grants/Management Staff Chair, Curriculum & Instruction Chair, Assessment Chair, Professional Development |
Student Resources
A QEP is a Quality Enhancement Plan. The regional accrediting body, SACS-COC (Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools), requires (Core Requirement 2.12), its member institutions to develop and implement a five-year plan that describes a detailed action plan that addresses a well-defined and focused topic or issue pertaining to the enhancement of student learning outcomes.
What is Oakwood University’s QEP topic?
The Right to Write: Critical Thinking Development Through Writing
How was this topic selected and why?
A QEP Topic Selection Committee representative of administration, faculty, staff and students was organized to identify and select a QEP topic. The process of selecting a topic involved a collaboration of stakeholders engaged in interrelated activities and discussions inclusive of the analysis of the following data sources:
- Independent Consultant Environmental Scan Report
- Results from the Student Satisfaction Inventory
- Results from Faculty Surveys
- A review of the University Strategic Plan for 2010-2015
- A review of the University’s mission statement, vision, goals, aim, and motto
What is the overall goal of our QEP?
To equip OU students with critical thinking skills that will enhance their educational experience
How will the QEP improve student learning in the specific area of critical thinking in writing?
Students will benefit from the QEP by becoming better writers- more accurate, more precise, and better able to assess their own writing and make the necessary revisions. These skills should serve them well in their upper division courses, as they approach all learning more critically.
Who developed the QEP?
A QEP Development Committee comprised of select OU administration, faculty, staff and students was formed with the primary task of developing the QEP. The development process was built on campus-wide involvement of relevant constituencies: administration, alumni, board members, faculty, students, staff, and other individuals who were knowledgeable of the subject.
When will the QEP begin?
The targeted implementation of the QEP begins the Fall Semester 2012.
How will the QEP be evaluated?
A SACS team of evaluators will visit Oakwood March 26-28, 2012 to provide feedback on the QEP document. Evaluative criteria include:
- Has the institution demonstrated capability for initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP?
- Has the institution demonstrated broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP?
- Has the institution identified goals and student learning outcomes that are achievable and assessable?
- Has the institution articulated a plan to assess achievement of goals and student learning outcomes?
- Has the institution demonstrated financial support for the QEP?
QEP Committee Chair: Theodore Brown Sr. PhD
Phone: 256-726-7181
Email: tbrown@oakwood.edu