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A nursing student checking vitals.

School of Health Professions, Education, & Social Sciences

We are delighted that you have chosen Oakwood University (OU) as the place to complete college your education. You will find OU a great place to enhance your walk with Christ. In addition, you will learn professional skills that will develop you academically and professionally. Whether you have chosen, Allied Health, Health and Physical Education, Nutrition and Dietetics, or Nursing, you have decided to enter a profession that mimics the life of Christ by serving others. Get ready! You are entering professional school!

As you enter to learn, you are beginning a professional program that will require discipline, fortitude, perseverance, and the faith that you will be successful. We expect great things from you and anticipate your continued professional progress! Again, Welcome!!

– Dr. James Mbyirukira

Accreditation Status with ACEN

Effective October 18, 2023, Oakwood University Nursing program is a candidate for initial accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing. This candidacy status expires on October 18, 2025.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000


Approval Status with The Alabama Board of Nursing

As required by the Alabama Board of Nursing, Oakwood University Nursing Department as of July 20, 2023 the Alabama Board of Nursing issued a Notice of Correction and confirmed the Oakwood University program to be currently APPROVED. Our average NCLEX pass rate for the Class of 2022 is 91.7; and the class of 2023 is at 100%.




Make a Gift. See the Difference.

The Oakwood University Annual Fund Campaign supports the basics for our students. From student aid to academic department
support, your gift makes a difference for the future of Oakwood. Don’t delay— make your gift today! Make a secure gift online at:, or call us at: 256-726-7201, to speak to a development associate.

Distinguished Alumni

Gina Spivey Brown, Ph.D., currently serves as the Dean of the School of Nursing at Howard University. In her short tenure there, she has led the faculty in restoring the program to much of its former glory. When she chaired the nursing program at Columbia Union College, it had some of its greatest success in terms of students passing the state board exams. She has traveled the world consulting with nursing educators on how to strengthen programs, and she is always willing to assist.