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Oakwood Family,

As of today, September 15, 2022, most of the post-fire cleanup has been completed in Carter Hall. Thankfully, because of the fire’s localized nature, the vast majority of the rooms in Carter Hall were not affected by fire or water. However, smoke from the fire did travel beyond the immediate area of the fire itself and brought about the need for soot and debris removal on multiple floors. That process has now concluded, and the majority of the residents of Carter Hall are now safely back in their rooms.

The rooms that were most heavily affected will require additional cleanup. This will take place during the next few days, and those residents will continue to be housed off campus until they can safely return to their rooms.

For the most up-to-date information on the Carter Hall fire that took place on September 12, 2022, please go to the news section of our website or click this link: