The Distance Dietetic Internship Program (DDIP) at Oakwood University is a post-baccalaureate Distance Learning Certificate program.
The DDIP requires 1000 hours of Supervised Practice in Medical Nutrition Therapy, Food Service Management, and Community Nutrition.
Interns who complete the Dietetic Internship Distance Certificate Program will be proficient in the following Student Learning Outcomes:
- Use their knowledge of Nutrition and Dietetics to serve the community
- Practice Clinical Counseling Skills in Dietetics
- Use nutrition concepts in health promotion and disease prevention
- Practice the principles of Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) in an acute care setting
- Demonstrate a Christ-centered SDA worldview in Food and Nutrition-related activities
DDIP Courses:
- ND 495 – 01 Fall – Dietetic Internship I
- ND 496 – 01 Spring – Dietetic Internship II
The Oakwood University Distance Dietetic Internship Program (DDIP) prepares Dietetic practitioners to be entry level registered dietitian/nutritionists to serve in the fields of Dietetics and Nutrition. This provides didactic and experiential opportunities which enable interns to develop skills, demonstrate professionalism, apply knowledge, and work effectively to improve the quality of nutrition for the people they serve. This program prepares individuals to serve God and man and integrate faith and learning.
PROGRAM GOAL 1: Prepares interns how to become competent entry-level dietitians
Program objectives
- At least 80% of interns enrolled in the DI program m will complete all program requirements within 15 months. (150% of the time planned for completion).
- Of graduates who seek employment, at least 80% are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation.
- At least 80% of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for the dietitians/nutritionist within 12 months of program completion.
- The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%
- Eighty-percent of employers will rate graduates as “3” or greater on a five-point Likert scale as being entry-level prepared.
- At least 80% of part-time interns will complete program requirements within 30 months. (150% of planned program length).
PROGRAM GOAL 2: Program prepares competent dietetic practitioners how to use their knowledge of nutrition in serving diverse populations of the community.
Program Objectives:
- At least 50% of interns will be male or ethnically diverse.
- 80% of the program graduates will confirm the adequacy of program preparation to share knowledge of nutrition and dietetics, to the community.
See Program Policies and Procedures for the following information: Program admission requirements. Academic calendar and rotations. Guidance for interns to find supervised practice sites, and the program’s role and responsibility to help interns secure practice sites.
Contact Us
Program Director: Althea Joseph, MS, RDN, LD
Phone: 256-726-7236
Administrative Coordinators:
Juliana Draper, RDN, LDN, CDCES
General inquiries:

Program Overview
The Distance Dietetic Internship Program accepts thirty-five interns per year to complete a minimum of 1000 hours of Supervised Dietetic Practice within a ten-month period.
Interns are required to locate their own preferred Supervised Practice sites and preceptors. However, the program does provide some assistance in obtaining sites and preceptors as needed. Preceptors are mostly Registered Dietitians, and they complete an affiliation agreement with Oakwood University. Upon admission, interns will be given access to former Oakwood University preceptors and affiliation sites in their chosen demographic area. These sites provide experience at various hospitals, food service institutions, long-term care facilities, public health and wellness facilities, and other facilities. Then interns can begin rotations after the first week of orientation.
Program Mission, Goals, and Objectives
The Oakwood University (OU) DDIP trains dietetic practitioners, to serve in the fields of dietetics and nutrition. It provides didactic and experiential opportunities which enable interns to develop skills, demonstrate professionalism, apply knowledge, and work effectively to improve the quality of nutrition for the people they serve. The program integrates faith and learning, preparing individuals to serve God and man.
Goal #1 – To assist graduates in completing the internship program in a timely manner by providing needed support, guidance, and resources.
- At least 80% of full-time interns complete program requirements within 15 months (150% of the planned program length).
- At least 80% of part-time interns will complete program requirements within 30 months. (150% of planned program length).
- Of graduates who seek employment, at least 80% percent are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation.
- At least 80% of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists within 12 months of program completion.
- The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of the first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%.
Goal #2 –To prepare graduates with entry-professional level dietitian skills and knowledge to improve the nutritional status and health of the diverse communities they serve.
- At least 50% of interns will be ethnically diverse or male.
- At least 80% of the program graduates will rate the adequacy of program preparation “3” or greater on a 5-point Likert scale.
- At least 80% percent of employers will rate graduates “3” or greater on a 5-point Likert scale as being entry-level prepared.
Program Technology Requirements
Technology Requirements: Interns need to have a reliable internet connection; a computer with app capabilities, carrier, and microphone; phone access, either cell or landline; and access to a printer and scanner.
Gainful Employment Disclosure
Oakwood University
Post baccalaureate certificate in Dietetic Internship Program
Program Length: 10 months
Students graduating on time
N/A* of Title IV students (those college students with Federal Subsidy as in financial aid) complete the program within 10 months.
*Fewer than 10 students enrolled in this program. This number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of students.
Program Costs*
$12,000 for tuition and fees
$500 for books and supplies
*The amounts shown in LINK includes costs for the entire program, assuming normal time to completion.
Note that this information is subject to change
Students Borrowing Money
The typical intern is eligible to receive Federal Student aid (Student Loans) to assist them with funding or an intern can pay their bill in the form of money order, cashier check, credit/debit card or cash.
The agreement, upon entering the program is to pay the full tuition, however it can be divided with payment made before each semester within the 10-month period, or payment arrangements can be made with student accounts or the cashiers office.
Graduates who became employed
Mostly are employed as Dietitians, Nutritionists and Dietetic Technicians in the following fields: (use link to see a detailed summary of jobs)
Licensure Requirement
- Completion of a bachelor’s degree* granted by a USDE recognized institution (or foreign equivalent)
- Completion of an Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) accredited
Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD)
- Completion of an ACEND accredited Dietetic Internship (DI).
*Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum degree requirement will be a graduate degree granted by a USDE recognized institution (or foreign equivalent). For more information:
Oakwood Distance Dietetic Internship Program qualifies interns to sit for licensure exam in all states, however some states do not require it. ,
5 Steps to Become an RDN
1. Earn a minimum of a graduate degree from an accredited dietetics program. Classes vary according to program, but in general, coursework covers subjects that may range from food and nutrition sciences, foodservice systems management, business, economics, computer science, culinary arts, sociology and communication to science courses such as biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, anatomy and chemistry. A master’s degree is required to be eligible for the RDN exam. Some accredited programs include a master’s degree, while other students complete their undergraduate in dietetics and earn a master’s degree in another field (e.g. public health, communications, etc.).2. Complete a supervised practice requirement. In addition, individuals must complete at least 1,000 hours of supervised practice to gain real-world experience and apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the context of a variety of work settings.3. Pass a national exam for RDNs. Once you complete your degrees and supervised practice, you may schedule to take CDR’s Registration Examination for Registered Dietitians to become a credentialed as registered dietetics nutritionist. This is called “RDN eligibility,” meaning you have completed the requirements to become eligible to take the national exam.4. Meet requirements to practice in your state. Many states have regulatory laws (i.e. licensure) for food and nutrition practitioners. All states accept the RDN credential for state licensure purposes.5. Stay up-to-date in dietetics through continuing education. After successfully passing the national exam and earning the credential, RDNs maintain ongoing professional development in order to stay up to date on the latest research, recommendations, and best practices.
I wanted to reach out to update you all on our (almost) family of 5, and thank everyone at Oakwood for the support they showed us through this whole process. The prospect of doing a distance program did not seem easy and setting up the rotations was not the easiest; however, I know this was God’s path and it led me to be able to do everything I needed to do to become an RD. Thank you all and God bless!
-Deirdre Timm, RDN and co.Thank you for all the extra time you took to go over questions. I appreciate your support. Krista Baehler
I am happy to inform you all, that I passed my RD exam yesterday! Thank you so much for all your guidance, support, and prayers. With gratitude. Briana Harper MS, RD.
“Words could never express how honored I was to be select into the Dietetic Internship Distance Certificate Program at Oakwood University, in Huntsville, Alabama. It was everything I dreamed of and hoped for, in a Dietetic Internship. The moment I stepped onto the oakwood University campus; I knew it was the right place for me. It has an organized initiative present to empower its students to make healthy choices; it is a real lifestyle approach.” -ShLanda Burton, North Carolina.
I passed my (RD) exam! I am so thrilled! I want to thank you all again for your support, flexibility, and encouragement during the internship. Since my company was paying for me to do this, I had to complete it on their terms – the flexibility you provided was outstanding, and I couldn’t recommend your program enough. – Michaela Rowland, NY
Program Completion Requirements
- Attend the mandatory one-week orientation on the campus of Oakwood University or virtually during the pandemic.
- The DDIP requires the completion of 1000 supervised practice hours. No more than 300 hours of these hours may be completed as alternate practice hours.
- Pass the program exam by at least 80%.
- Submission of an E-Portfolio.
- Tuition and fees are paid in full.
- Prior learning experience can be applied towards supervised hours. See the Program Policies and Procedures tab for more information.
Pathway Options
- FULL TIME: 10 months
- PART TIME: 20 months
Program Cost
- Financial information can also be located in the Dietetic Internship Handbook.
- Additional information contact: Cashier 256-726-8429, Automated System 256-726-7791, Financial Aid 256-726-7210
- Download Fee Chart
Distance Dietetic Internship Program Handbook Policies & Procedures
Prior Learning Credits
The program has established specific guidelines for interns regarding credit for prior learning, including program-specific limitations and documentation needed. Assigning credit for prior learning:
When the requirements listed in the table are met, the intern may be granted credit equivalent to the number of hours required for that rotation as stated in the “Suggested Rotation Schedule.” The required documentation must be provided along with the application to the program. Credit will be assigned during the admissions process. Interns may apply to be granted partial credit for prior work or volunteer experiences toward completion of their supervised practice hours. Credit is only offered for core rotations, food service, or community nutrition for interns who are not Diet Tech Registered. We do offer credit for clinical nutrition for interns who are Diet Tech Registered. Interns may receive up to 25% maximum reduction of 1000 hours (250 hours). Paid work or volunteering must have been completed during the last five years. Rotation schedules should reflect the credited number of supervised practice hours. Email all documents in the Prior Learning Application to *The cost to review and evaluate this application is included in the current tuition and fees.
Please refer to pages 20-22 in the Distance Dietetic Internship Program Handbook Policy & Procedures for information on assessment of prior learning.
DI Preceptor Handbook 2022 – 2023
Please note this statement in the back of the Preceptor Handbook: ACEND provides training materials on strategies to recognize and monitor biases and reduce microagressions and discrimination. Access those resources here: inclusion