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E.G. White Research Center

The Ellen G. White® Estate, Incorporated, is an organization created by the last will and testament of Ellen G. White to act as her agent in the custody of her writings, handling her properties, “conducting the business thereof,” “securing the printing of new translations,” and the “printing of compilations from my manuscripts.”

Her will, dated Feb. 9, 1912 (printed in its entirety as Appendix N in Messenger of the Lord, by Herbert E. Douglass) named five church leaders to serve as a board of trustees: Arthur G. Daniells, president of the General Conference; William C. White, her son; Clarence C. Crisler, a secretary; Charles H. Jones, manager of the Pacific Press; and Francis M. Wilcox, editor of the Review and Herald. Four of the five were members of the Executive Committee of the General Conference.


Appointment of the trustees was for life, Ellen White providing that “if a vacancy shall occur for any reason among said trustees, or their successors, a majority of the surviving or remaining trustees are hereby empowered and directed to fill such vacancy by the appointment of some other fit person”; or if this provision were to fail, the General Conference Executive Committee should appoint someone to fill such a vacancy. The will dedicated the major portion of the existing and potential royalty incomes from her books to the work of the trustees. (For additional information, see Appendix B, “The Settlement of Ellen G. White’s Estate,” in volume 6 of A. L. White’s biography of Ellen White, Ellen G. White: The Later Elmshaven Years.)

At the death of Ellen White, July 16, 1915, this self-perpetuating board began to function. It soon sold Ellen White’s real estate, consisting mainly of Elmshaven, her home property near St. Helena, California, then began the continued care of her literary properties. Under the terms of the will, such responsibilities fell into three areas: (1) possession of the copyrights to her writings and the care and promotion of her books in the English language; (2) preparation of manuscripts for, and the promotion of the translation and publication of her writings in other languages; and (3) custody of the files of manuscripts and other files, and the selection of matter from the Ellen G. White manuscript files for publication. The board now carries a fourth responsibility, which has developed naturally through the years–acquainting Seventh-day Adventists and others with Mrs. White and her work.


Research Room

  • Library
    Includes:Complete collection of Ellen White’s published writings;
    published books about Ellen White and other Seventh-day Adventist pioneers
    (E.g. biographical studies); Seventh-day Adventist histories; selected past SDA
    Yearbooks; SDA Bible Commentary set.
  • Computer Center
    Includes:Ellen White research software – (1) EGW Complete Published Writings CD-ROM;
    (2) Legacy of Light, interactive CD-ROM
  • Microfiche Collection
    Includes: Adventist periodicals from 1849; early pamphlets; General Conference Bulletins; index to periodicals.
  • Microfilm Collection
    Includes: Correspondence from Adventist contemporaries of Ellen White (1840-1915).
  • Copy Center and Printers
    Includes: Xerox copy machine for duplication of materials; computer printer for making hard copies of computer search results.


  • Ellen White’s Unpublished Writings
    Includes: Duplicates of original letters (1845-1915); duplicates of original manuscripts (1844-1915).
  • Question and Answer File
    Includes: Collection of letters written from past White Estate personnel to answer specific questions that were submitted regarding Ellen White and her writings; subject index for easy retrieval.
    Useful for: Initial step in research or quick references to answer specific question(s).
  • Document File
    Includes: Collection of research papers, notes, articles, and compilations regarding specific topics in Ellen White’s writing (e. g. “The Huntsville School”).
    Useful for: Initial step in research; review of scholarly work already completed on topic.
  • Shelf Documents
    Includes: Official White Estate statements on particular issues available for purchase.

Morning Star Room

Ellen G. White Address to Oakwood

In regard to this school here at Huntsville, I wish to say that for the past two or three years I have been receiving instruction regarding it–what it should be and what those who come here as students are to become. All that is done by those connected with this school, whether they be white or black, is to be done with the realization that this is the Lord’s institution, in which the students are to be taught how to cultivate the land, and how to labor for the uplifting of their own people. {GH, June 1, 1904 par. 2}

It was in the providence of God that the Huntsville School farm was purchased. It is in a good locality. Near it there are large nurseries, and in these nurseries some of the students have worked during the summer to earn money to pay their expense at the Huntsville School.–SpT-B(12) 11 (1904). {LDE 102.1}

The Huntsville School farm is a most beautiful place, and with its three hundred and more acres of land, should accomplish much in the line of industrial training and the raising of crops.–SpT-B(12x) 13 (1904). {LDE 102.2}

Recently the question was asked me, “Would it not be well to sell the school land at Huntsville, and buy a smaller place?” Instruction was given me that this farm must not be sold, that the situation possesses many advantages for the carrying forward of a colored school.–SpM 359 (1904). {LDE 102.3}

A school for colored people is being carried on in Huntsville, but I was greatly pained while there to see the poverty-stricken condition of the institution. I knew from previous presentations, that this was displeasing to God, and that the school was not accomplishing that which He designed it to accomplish. I resolved to bear a plain, clear-cut testimony to our people, telling them that the money spent in the adornment of dress is a misappropriation of God’s money, lent us to use in the advancement of His work. {AUCR, September 1, 1904 par. 3}

The work done in the Huntsville school is to be an object-lesson of what can be done for the colored youth and children in every school, small or large, in providing advantages and surroundings that will tend to uplift and ennoble those who attend. The Huntsville school is to be a place where the standard is kept high. The teachers must be filled with a determination to teach the students, in connection with book-knowledge, practical lessons of neatness and refinement. Nothing coarse or slovenly is to be allowed in the dress of the students. Their deportment is to be above reproach. They are to be taught to be neat in their habits. And in all that pertains to the premises of the school, both inside the various buildings, and on the school-grounds and the farm, an object-lesson of orderliness and thrift is to be taught. {GH, October 1, 1907 par. 5}

The Huntsville school is to exert a far-reaching influence for good. To the teachers in this school I am instructed to say, Encourage the students. Inspire them with the hope that they can work successfully for the Master. And as you labor, remember that your school is to be an example of what all other colored schools should be, with respect to carefulness of deportment and thoroughness of work. {GH, October 1, 1907 par. 6}

In the smaller schools for colored pupils, there are promising youth who can be trained to enter the field as teachers. As these attend school, let them see that their teachers have confidence that they will become workers who will fill their appointed places in God’s great plan. And let efforts be made to give those who have done faithful work, an opportunity to secure further training, if need be, at Huntsville. {GH, October 1, 1907 par. 7}

As our example, Christ linked closely together the work of healing and teaching, and in this our day they should not be separated. In our schools and sanitariums nurses should be trained to go out as medical missionary evangelists. They should unite the teaching of the gospel of Christ with the work of healing. {GH, May 1, 1908 par. 5}

The Lord has instructed us that with our training schools there should be connected small sanitariums that the students may have opportunity to gain a knowledge of medical missionary work. This line of work is to be brought into our schools as part of the regular instruction. Huntsville has been especially pointed out as a school in connection with which there should be facilities for thoroughly training consecrated colored youth who desire to become competent nurses and hygienic cooks. Let us rejoice that the managers of our Huntsville school are now planning to carry out this instruction without further delay. Let us help them make Huntsville a strong training center for medical missionary workers. {GH, May 1, 1908 par. 6}

There is in this country a great, unworked field. The colored race, numbering thousands upon thousands, appeals to the consideration and sympathy of every true, practical believer in Christ. These people do not live in a foreign country, and they do not bow down to idols of wood and stone. They live among us, and again and again, through the testimonies of His Spirit, God has called our attention to them, telling us that here are human beings neglected. This broad field lies before us unworked, calling for the light that God has given us in trust.–Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 205. {ChS 217.3}

Those in positions of responsibility will need wisdom from on high in order to deal justly, to love mercy, and to show mercy, not only to a few, but to everyone with whom they come in contact. Christ identifies His interests with those of His people, no matter how poor and needy they may be. Missions must be opened for the colored people, and everyone should seek to do something and to do it now.

{CH 308.3} Counsels on Health

There is need that institutions be established in different places, that men and women may be set at work to do their best in the fear of God. No one should lose sight of his mission and work. Everyone should aim to carry forward to a successful issue the work placed in his hands. All our institutions should keep this in mind and strive for success; but at the same time let them remember that their success will increase in proportion as they exercise disinterested liberality, sharing their abundance with institutions that are struggling for a foothold. Our prosperous institutions should help those institutions that God has said should live and prosper, but which are still struggling for an existence. There is among us a very limited amount of real, unselfish love. The Lord says: “Everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” “If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and His love is perfected in us.” 1 John 4:7, 8, 12. It is not pleasing to God to see man looking only upon his own things, closing his eyes to the interests of others. {CH 309.1}

Meet the Needs of the Colored People.–I understand that you intend that the colored work in the South will be your first interest. Well, work away. But you must get out a class of books with many object lessons, for the colored people must see a thing before they understand it. Small books must be distributed freely. . . . {CW 146.2}

The publishing at Nashville will have to be done in a way to meet the needs of the very ones for whom you are laboring. Everything must be plain, simple, and illustrated. Inexpensive illustrations are as good for this field as the more expensive work. Cheap, simple books must be issued. . . . {CW 146.3}

The South is a world of its own, and publishing should be done in the field. Without proper books to put into the hands of the people, talking and preaching will lose the hold on the mind. But if proper reading matter can be placed in their hands, so that they can read the truth and see the pictures accompanying the reading matter, it will stay in the mind and have convincing power. Then other and larger books should be issued to meet the needs of the better educated classes.–Manuscript 28, 1903. {CW 146.4}

The Colored Race

There is in this country a great, unworked field. The colored race, numbering thousands upon thousands, appeals to the consideration and sympathy of every true, practical believer in Christ. These people do not live in a foreign country, and they do not bow down to idols of wood and stone. They live among us, and again and again, through the testimonies of His Spirit, God has called our attention to them, telling us that here are human beings neglected. This broad field lies before us unworked, calling for the light that God has given us in trust.–Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 205. {ChS 217.3}

Walls of separation have been built up between the whites and the blacks. These walls of prejudice will tumble down of themselves, as did the walls of Jericho, when Christians obey the Word of God, which enjoins on them supreme love to their Maker and impartial love to their neighbors. . . . Let every church whose members claim to believe the truth for this time, look at this neglected, downtrodden race, that as a result of slavery have been deprived of the privilege of thinking and acting for themselves.–Review and Herald, Dec. 17, 1895. {ChS 217.4}

Let us set ourselves to do a work for the Southern people. Let us not be content with simply looking on, with simply making resolutions that are never acted upon; but let us do something heartily unto the Lord, to alleviate the distress of our colored brethren.–Review and Herald, Feb. 4, 1896. {ChS 218.1}

The black man’s name is written in the book of life beside the white man’s. All are one in Christ. Birth, station, nationality, or color cannot elevate or degrade men. The character makes the man. If a red man, a Chinaman, or an African gives his heart to God in obedience and faith, Jesus loves him none the less for his color. He calls him His well-beloved brother.–The Southern Work, p. 8, written March 20, 1891. {ChS 218.2}

The day is coming when the kings and the lordly men of the earth would be glad to exchange places with the humblest African who has laid hold on the hope of the gospel.–The Southern Work, p. 8, written March 20, 1891. {ChS 218.3}

God cares no less for the souls of the African race that may be won to serve Him, than He cared for Israel. He requires far more of His people than they have given Him in missionary work among the people of the South of all classes, and especially the colored race. Are we not under even greater obligation to labor for the colored people than for those who have been more highly favored? Who is it that held these people in servitude? Who kept them in ignorance?. . . If the race is degraded, if they are repulsive in habits and manners, who made them so? Is there not much due to them from the white people? After so great a wrong has been done them, should not an earnest effort be made to lift them up? The truth must be carried to them. They have souls to save as well as we.–The Southern Work, pp. 11, 12, written March 20, 1891. {ChS 218.4}

Biblical Foundations and Faith-based Teaching Resource

Using Ellen White’s Writing to Assist In Constructing Faith-based Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

  1.  Puts students’ career decorum in a faith-based perspective.
  2.  Anchors students in their career path.
  3. Helps students maintain balance in executing missional and professional components of their majors.
  4.  Enables students to connect career paths with God’s calling.
  5.  Provides students a healthy balance between earning wealth and service to God.
  6. Assists students in applying the principles of stewardship in their career paths.
  7. Helps students understand the relationship between spiritual gifts and career pathways.

Find below suggested books to reference when creating faith and learning SLOs, or to give reading assignment to students that will help them understand Seventh-day Adventist worldview.

  1. Psychology:
  2. Education:
  3. Theology:
  4. OU 101:
  5. Nutrition and Dietetics:
  6. Business:
  7. English:
  8. Communication:
  9. Music:
  10. Chemistry:
  11. Biology:
  12. Health and Exercise Science:
  13. Social Work:
  14. History and Political Science:
  15. Nursing:
  16. Math & Computer Sciences:
  17. Allied Health:

Contact Us

Eva B. Dykes Library (Lower Level)

Howard Weems, Ph.D., Director
Barbara Stovall, Research Assistant

Phone: (256) 726-8423

M      8:30am – 5.15pm
T-Th  8:15am – 5:15pm
F       8:15am – 11:45am

Main Office
About Ellen G. White